How to make delicious homemade dandelion honey

How to Make Delicious Homemade Dandelion Honey

how to make delicious homemade dandelion honey

It’s that beautiful time of the year when dandelions are growing everywhere! I absolutely love dandelions! (In fact, they are my favorite flower!) They always bring a little bit of sunshine to any yard or field! They make me happy not only for their beauty, and for the fact that they are so good for the bees, but also because the entire thing is edible! That’s right! If you didn’t know, the dandelion from petals to root is all edible, and there are so many fun things to do with them! One of my favorite recipes to make is dandelion honey, also known as dandelion jelly. It’s very simple and very delicious! Here’s how I do it!

Ingredients ( makes two 8 oz jam jars):

  • 1 cup of dandelion petals
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 4 tbsp cornstarch


  • Find a location where you can pick some dandelion heads that you know aren’t sprayed with any weed killer or other chemicals.
  • Pick about a bowl full of dandelion heads and give them a good rinse to make sure to get any bugs that could be living inside out
  • Remove the petals ( the green part just makes it more bitter) Until you have a cup full of petals.
  • Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and then pour it over your petals, as if you’re making dandelion tea.
  • Let this steep for 24 hours
  • After the 24 hours have passed, separate your petals from the tea with a strainer or cheesecloth.
straining the dandelions
  • Pour your tea into a pot and begin bringing it to medium-high heat. Add your lemon juice and sugar as you do.
  • In a bowl, add your cornstarch. Carefully pour some of your tea mixtures into the bowl, just enough to dissolve the cornstarch.
  • Slowly bring your pot to a boil as you add the cornstarch mixture into it, stirring as you pour.
  • Once your mixture is nice and thick like honey you can remove it from the stovetop to cool
  • Once cooled you can pour it into your jars, or whatever you have on hand, and store it in the fridge!

That’s all there is to it! What a delicious, homemade treat, that’s absolutely perfect for appreciating this beautiful time of year! It’s great to use in every way that you would use honey or a jam!