How to Make the Most of Winter on the Homestead

How to Make the Most of Winter on the Homestead

Winter is now in full swing; for many of us, it can feel like the most unproductive time of year. For a long time, I felt this way as well. That it slowed down all the progress I was making and made me unable to do many things I love about homesteading, such as gardening. I’ve learned, however, that this way of thinking is the only thing that actually leaves me unproductive! Winter is such an important and necessary part of the year and I hope in this post I can help you to see this as well!

Learn and or Develop New Skills!

Winter slowing everything down is the perfect if not the only real opportunity during the year to learn and or develop new skills! Something I live by is the idea that no one can take the knowledge you have away from you, and I try to seize every chance I can get to gain new knowledge! There are many different things you could choose to learn about. Whether it be something like beekeeping, construction skills, or fiber arts, the possibilities are really endless. You can take the time to research on the web, watch youtube videos about the subjects, or even sign up for some classes! Taking this time for learning is even better when you learn something that you know will help you move toward your bigger goals.

Dream Big, and Plan Goals!

I always find that I can do my most productive goal planning this time of year. It just so happens to fall at the beginning of the year which is traditionally the time to evaluate your life and prioritize. I really encourage you to dream big! Even if it seems impossibly out of reach. Make a note of it, whether mental or actually journaling. I recommend the latter. Once you have those dreams at your core, it’s so much easier to set out on creating more tangible steps! Break that dream down and find out where to begin. Eventually, you will break it down small enough so you can begin working towards your dream right now!

Actually Take Time to Rest.

If we can learn anything from winter, it’s that everything, even the earth itself, needs time to rest in order to thrive. A big part of the homesteading and slow-living lifestyle is to get away from the mindset of constant grind. To really live, we need to enjoy as much of our present as we can. We are handed this time of the year that’s practically designed for rest. Take advantage of that! It will be spring before you know it and back into lots of fulfilling, yet hard work.

If you’d like to hear me discuss this topic more face-to-face, Check out my latest vlog where I sit down with you to talk about this more 🙂