How to LOVE Homemaking

Homemaking is a practice that has existed for generations. It is the art of keeping the home and all that may entail. Nowadays, the mainstream doesn’t speak much of homemaking. Theres some that even regard it as negative! Whether you want to be a full-time homemaker or not, I fully believe in how important it is that everyone has and understands how needed these skills are. Here are my tips as someone who currently works a full-time job, but also considers herself a full-time homemaker as well, on how to have a more peaceful home and a happier life!

Create a routine that you can stick to!

Something that can be a big stressor is not feeling like you have enough time in a day, feeling like you don’t know how to use your time, etc. This can be easily remedied by just taking some time to come up with a routine that will work for you! This doesn’t mean that you have to do the exact same things every single day, just that you know what to expect from yourself, and things are planned out in a way that motivates you! There’s a reason that children benefit from constant routine and it’s really no different for us adults too! A routine doesn’t have to look any specific way either. Different routines work better for different people, and that’s the beauty of creating your own for your home and family! Take into account little things like, do you feel more ready to take on the day after you get fully dressed in an outfit that makes you feel good? Or would you prefer to do most of the morning tasks in the comfort of your bathrobe?

Allow yourself to slow down

Being in the position of a homemaker is a unique position to have in that you get to fully decide the pace at which you want to go about your day! There’s no need to fall into societal pressures of grinding and just trying to get as much done as possible. That’s not the goal. The goal is to make a space that nurtures the ability to love the little things that make up every single day. It can be hard to shift that mindset at first. We’ve been so conditioned to just keep striving for more and more and to be hurrying to the next thing. What’s the point in having everything you ever wanted, if you never learned how to be content with a normal day? You will get the most joy when you can love folding the laundry, pouring hot water for a cup of tea, and kneading some dough to make bread. Don’t make it all about the end result. Find a way for you that makes you genuinely enjoy the process!

You are your own boss!

Those who look negatively at the title of a homemaker may see it as nothing more than an unpaid maid. But this is so far from the truth! Whether we choose to like it or not, every human has responsibilities they need to tend to throughout their day. No matter what end of the spectrum of society we look at this is the truth. However, we do get some choice into what we want our responsibilities to be. Some may choose to invest lots of that time into a career outside the home. Others may be called to homemaking, and many may be somewhere in between! When you’re taking that role upon yourself it’s important to remember that it is your vision! You are doing this for yourself, and your family. It can look however you want it to in order to create the day-to-day life that speaks to your soul!

Start caring about all the little things

Many of us, if not all of us, get caught up in the craziness of life. We all have moments where we lose sight of what’s really important to us. The things that really bring us happiness. What really is the point of reaching some big goal that you have for your life if you don’t enjoy all the small things that make up our every day? Taking on the role of a homemaker can give you the opportunity to really start seeing the importance of things that may be overlooked by many. Such as taking in the atmosphere of your surroundings. Maybe the smells of a good homemade meal, or the beauty of fresh cut flowers. Whatever can bring you peace in your present moment, you have the opportunity to cultivate and enjoy.

Make meals special!

Something that’s so necessary to our existence, yet we seem to be caring less and less about in society as a whole is food. The importance of a good meal is, unfortunately, being lost to some. But it is our job as homemakers to bring the spotlight back to the homemade meal. Knowing what goes into our food, the actual process of preparing it, and the eating of a meal are all ways to benefit your family’s health, everyone’s mindset around real food and how to make it, and your family’s routines together. We do ourselves, and those we know such a disservice when we don’t educate ourselves about something that’s at the core of life, like food. Use this time in your day to have fun with it! Try new things, and learn new kitchen skills. Make meal times a cherished part of your day, not something you’re dreading to do and want to look for alternatives.

I hope these tips can help you on your journey to being a homemaker, whether it’s something you want to pursue full-time or not. We all have a home, and how we care for it makes a huge impact on our day-to-day lives! I hope you can start building a life you don’t feel you need a vacation from!