Cleaning and Organizing Tips You Need for a Happy Home

Spring is finally almost here! I can’t tell you how happy I am to start feeling the warmer weather, see the flowers and animals reemerge. I’m also excited to get to spring cleaning! You may be surprised, ” Excited to clean? ” You may ask. Yes! It brings me so much joy to tidy up after a long winter where things tend to get messy and disorganized. Maybe for you, it is not so fun. But that’s why I’m putting together some tips that can hopefully help make it a better experience all around! Here are my organizing and cleaning tips for making a happy home!

cleaning and organizing tips you need for a happy home

1. Go through your stuff regularly

This might seem like a lot, but it keeps organization maintenance so much easier, and diminishes so much stress! Whether it’s clothes, makeup, kids’ toys. Going through it regularly prevents clutter. I like to do it with each season. So as we enter spring I will try on my clothes, see what I like, don’t like. What is too old, or not worn enough. Go through papers, art supplies, and just start seeing the things I no longer need to keep. Going through the effort to do this makes it so that you won’t need to find places for things that you’ll probably never even remember you have. It feels like a weight off your shoulders knowing you don’t have piles of things you don’t need hiding in drawers somewhere.

2. Put the kitchen to bed

For myself, and I’m sure many others the kitchen is the most used room in the house. It’s a daily task to keep clean. We’ve all felt the tiredness after a long day. Wanting to just lay down in bed right after supper. I promise you though, it’s not worth the stress in the morning. I make sure before I get comfy for the night that I ” put the kitchen to bed. ” This means getting all the dishes washed, counters wiped etc. I used to be more lax with this, but I found that every night I just left it for the morning, it started the day off with a stressful mood. However every time I go ahead and get it done at night, even if I’m tired, I love myself the next day. It makes it such a more positive experience getting breakfast, and being able to relax with a cup of coffee!

3. Only take on what you can at a time

We can have a tendency to get in our own way. Just having the thought that we need to deep clean the entire house could set us up for failure right from the start. Looking at it like that can make it seem completely unattainable, and therefore we take no steps. Set yourself up for success! Break it up. Only take on one room at a time or one type of cleaning. Make lists of things you’d like to do regularly, seasonally, etc. Give yourself time to do it that you’re less likely to be interrupted. All these little things can help towards making the process much less overwhelming.

4. Make it fun!

Cleaning and organizing can be such an enjoyable experience if you allow it to be! For me, it becomes a time where I can relax into my own little world while feeling amazing about myself that I’m getting so much done! It’s all about how you set it up. If you follow the steps above, it should already be much less of a stress. This has the chance to just be some you time, so throw on a podcast, or some music and just let yourself do your thing!