Homemade Meal Basics: Steak and Potatoes with Honey Carrots

Unfortunately in the modern world, cooking is not necessarily a skill that we are taught. Some of us grow up without learning anything about homemade food or coming up with meal ideas. It can be daunting at first. That’s why I’m deciding to do a little series on homemade meal basics! The kind that can easily become weekly staples, and is a good place to start for anyone just starting to get into making homecooked, from scratch food!

Homemade meal basics. Steak and potatoes with honey carrots.

First up is the classic steak and potatoes! Filling, and delicious, this meal is especially great during the colder seasons. I also always prepare a veggie with this meal. Today I chose carrots! The following will be enough for two, adult, servings.


  • 6 oz sirloin steak
  • 2 small russet potatos
  • 2 large carrots
  • milk
  • butter
  • salt
  • pepper
  • honey
  • brown sugar


For Steak:

  • Put some butter in your pan and start warming on medium heat.
  • Once the butter is melted place your steak in your pan
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Depending on your stove timing will differ, but heres a basic guide on how long to cook your steak on each side
ThicknessRare 110 to 120 FMedium Rare 120 to 130 FMedium 130 to 140 F
1″4 minutes5 minutes 6 minutes
1.25″4.5 minutes 5.5 minutes 6.5 minutes
1.5″5 minutes 6 minutes 7 minutes
1.75″5.5 minutes 6.5 minutes 7.5 minutes
2″6 minutes 7 minutes 8 minutes


  • Make sure to let your steak rest for atleast 5 minutes before cutting into it.

For Mashed Potatoes:

  • Chop your potatoes into cubes
  • Place your potatoes in a pot and cover with water
  • Put on the stove at the highest temperature to boil
  • Check your potatoes by poking it with a fork, theyre done when the fork pokes through with ease
  • Drain all the water from your potatoes , and then mash
  • Add your milk, butter, salt, and pepper to your liking


  • I love the potatoe skins in my mashed potatoes, however if you dont , peel your potatoes before chopping
  • Try grating in some cheese for some delicious cheesy potatoes!

For Veggie:

There are many fantastic options for side veggies with your steak and potatoes. Corn, Brussel sprouts, and broccoli are just some of my favorites. But today I made some carrots! You can always chop and boil, like with the potatoes. But for something a little fancier, I’ll tell you how to make yummy honey-roasted carrots!

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
  • Chop your carrots into small circular bites and place in a bowl
  • Pour a tblsp of honey, brown sugar, and butter into the bowl and mix
  • Grease a pan, and then spread your carrots out on it evenly
  • Bake for around 20 minutes , or until carrots are tender, making sure to move the carrots around with a spatula every so often so the sugar doesnt burn
Delicious steak and honey carrots, with a side of mashed potato